Thursday, November 20, 2008


Winter takes the wind out of your hair, especially if you have dry hair. The hair trends to get dull and brittle which can add to hair loss and breakage in addition to maintenance problems. Consider applying these winter hair ideas to your hair to keep it healthy and styled, according to your desired looks.

Avoid washing your hair with shampoos during the cold months. If your hair is not too dirty, you can wash it with some mild hair cleansers or just with plain water. Do not rub too much shampoo on your scalp, as it can be too drying whenever you have to use shampoo to wash your hair. Keep the type of hair products in mind before applying them to your hair. Some can cause strong reactions to your hair during the winter months. Choose a product that matches with your hair type and texture.

During the dry winter months if you find your hair getting too much static, you can use small quantity of hair spray after you have styled your hair. Keep the usage of the hairdryer to its minimum level and avoid over-drying your hair. Use hair conditioners that last for some time in the hair and can be left in.

If you are going out and it is too windy or cold, wear a cap, hood, or a scarf to protect your hair. Choose the head covering accessories wisely so that they do not block proper circulation if you have to wear them for a long time.

Other options for the winter hair include changing your hairstyle. If you have short hair, you can grow it longer during the winters. Classical hairstyles like the bob and the fringe cut are popular hairstyle choices for the winters.

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